Hi Everyone,
The first QSO with FW0NAR was made on 28th of January on 24 MHz CW at 19:49 UTC with ZL1BYZ and the last one on 19th of February on 28 MHz CW at 19:49 UTC with FM5AA.
During 18 days of operation as FW0NAR (Wallis Island-OC-054) 17,872 QSOs were logged (12,152-CW, 3,045-SSB and 2,675-RTTY) with 10,620 stations (AF-1%, AS-31%, EU-25%, NA-36%, OC-5% and SA-2%) from 156 DXCC countries.
I have also made 3145 CW contacts on 40-10 meters (with a G5RV antenna and barefoot) as FW0NAR/P from Futuna Island (OC-118). The online logsearch for these operations can be found at:
I am deeply grateful to my xyl: Susanne (she has made more than 2000 RTTY and SSB contacts with FW0NAR) for her strong and continuous support all along. Joe (HA0LC) is graciously thanked for his logistical help in bringing my Wallis and Futuna project to life.
The financial and equipment support received from the Chiltern DX Club (CDXC), Clipperton DX Club (CDXC), Danish DX Group (DDXG), EU-DX-Foundation (EUDXF), DX Italia, German DX Foundation (GDXF), LA-DX-Group (LADXG), Nippon DX Association (NDXA), SouthWest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA), Swiss DX Foundation (SDXF), Spiderbeam and Anico Kft. (Nyíregyháza, Hungary) is graciously acknowledged.
HA0DU (Steve) and HA0HV (Sanyi) are gratefully outlined for their enthusiasm, encouragement and significant support. Special thanks to Michael (G7VJR), Brad (W6TJI) and Al (K6YRA), Zoli (HA8LNN) and Barna (HA0ER). I would also like to thank all those who included some support with their QSL request (see page at www.ha0nar.hu for the complete list).
VY 73
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